Violence. It is a word that does not bring music to my ears.
“Violence is one of the most personal and even intimate acts between human
beings, but it can also be cultural and societal in its implications.” I do not
like violence in any way, shape, or form. When I first think of violence I think
of killing. I don’t agree with it. In my opinion no one on this Earth has the
right to determine when and how I hurt, or when and how I die. Including
Suicide. I know that that is a very touchy subject in general, but even more so
now that the late great Robin Williams has passed, but it’s just my belief.
Death should come as naturally as it can. In the book it gave this example of
this woman Sethe that has escaped slavery. That alone is a major feat in
itself. But there comes a time when Sethe and her two children are about to be
taken back into slavery. Sethe wants to save her children so she decides that
in order to save them she has to kill them. She only “succeeds” with one.
Afterwards that child ends up haunting her. Side note/ Disclaimer. I am black
so I have gone through racism and “oppression”, but it has been very, very mild
compared to the slavery that took place 200+ years ago. I am also a girl which
adds another challenge to my life. I don’t know what slavery was like, I have
never had to go through slavery, (at least not this physical and mental
slavery, but societal norm type slavery, we all go through that every single
day, all day long. Well maybe not all day because we come up for air sometimes
but for majority of the day.) So I don’t know what it is like. It obviously
must have been bad, from the history lessons and from the fact that this woman
would want to have her children dead than being a slave. I honestly cannot fathom
the thought of her actually going through and killing one of her babies. That
has to take a lot of something to do that. Also, the ghost of her child that
was following her may have very well have been her child, but I also think that
her conscience may have had something to do with that. “It can also be cultural
and societal in its implications” Yep. That is true. Look at Apocalypto, the
Mayans would go out and find sacrifices that they would give to their gods. And
it was very gruesome because of the grabbing of the hearts out of the chests
and all that jazz. Also looking at today’s society violence is a norm. It is
normal to play a video game that has all of this shooting in it. It is normal
to go to war and kill hundreds of thousands of people for what? (Seriously
please tell me because it seems we are nosing in other people’s business). It
is normal to be initiated into gangs or fraternities, even sororities by way of
violence. This was more of an opinion piece than an analytical of the book but I
wanted it to be said.
Slavery. This is a word that is still controversial to this day. In the dictionary Slavery means “ submission to a dominating influence or the state of a person who is a chattel of another. This basically means that there is a person that you have to listen to and do as they say, and not like a “if you feel like it manner.” When you first think of slavery we automatically think of the chattel slavery that took place in the foundation era of the United States. But there are many forms of Slavery. Mental, Physical, and Emotional….these are also the many different forms of abuse in relationships if you didn’t notice, but I am not a certified psychologist so let us move forward. Beloved follows a group of people whose lives revolve around slavery and the trials that they have to face while in slavery and the repercussions that they make while trying to gain their freedom. The first setting that we are introduced to is the plantation Sweet Home. The plantation owners are Mr....
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